This is my introduction post, simply posting what I'm doing with this blog.
It's simple: as part of my current living arrangements, twice a week I cook dinner, and this is where I'm going to put my recipes and how they turn out.
You know, a cooking blog.
A little about me, then, for those who don't know. I'm an autistic adult woman in SouthEast Ontario, currently taking courses in a Library and Information Technician Program after getting my B.A. in English. I write and draw fantasy comics and novels, paint and work on promoting neurodiversity.
In terms of cooking, well, my mother has been off and on teaching me since I was knee-high. A good place to start, especially when my mother teaches home economics. I've taken summer day camp classes in cooking, and I've sort of done three years of cooking on my own before this.
I tend to make little adjustments in recipes on account of food and texture sensitivities, and lately, I haven't really been following recipes. We'll see how it goes :D
Anyways, enjoy!
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